NK Emas is a subsidiary of PT Navin Kumar Perhiasan which deals in the sales of Antam Precious Metals, Silvers, and Diamond. NK Emas has been growing for over 3 generations and is currently run under the leadership of Navin Kumar Akar. NK Emas has also entered into a collaborative contract with DKI Jakarta Cooperative (KPPD). Jewelry and diamond products produced by NK Emas are the result of the production of its own factories located in Bali and Hong Kong. NK Emas also has both an impressive physical and digital presence through its showroom, social media, application, and more!

Troughout the length of the business, NK Emas has established several different ventures, namely Tabungan Emas, Ternak Emas, NK Mini Gold, and trading of Gold, all of which provides high benefits to the community.


To become one of the top Precious Metals, Jewelry, and Diamond production and trading companies in Indonesia, fit with the latest developments and innovations that can allow us to contribute to the economic progress happening in Indonesia. We want to create an environment where the youth of Indonesia start investing in Gold.

Key Features
of this application include,
but are not limited to :